40+ Maps That Can Show You The Real World and How It Works

Published on 10/24/2022
40 Plus Maps That Can Show You The Real World And How It Works

40 Plus Maps That Can Show You The Real World And How It Works

Since the beginning of recorded history, gaining knowledge of the globe via maps has been an essential endeavor. In the past, for cartographers to precisely put themselves on the map, they were required to go to far-flung locations worldwide. Making maps involves using computers and specialized software such as Geographic Information Mapping System in today’s world. There is a good chance that you use these maps daily without giving them much attention. There are a lot of other uses for maps outside merely figuring out the shortest route to work or the location of the nearest Starbucks. In addition to this, they provide light on the dispersion of the world’s population and the migration patterns of other species. Suppose you have ever been curious about the planet’s appearance when seen from a variety of perspectives. In that case, you should begin scrolling through this incredible collection of maps and infographics.

1 Greenland Compared To South America

1 Greenland Compared To South America

Most of the time, maps of the globe depict things that aren’t accurate. On the other hand, some continents or islands seem very small while others appear extremely large. When seen from the Northern Hemisphere, Greenland almost always gives the impression that it is a vast continent. However, when you place the island next to South America, it becomes very evident that South America is capable of simply consuming the whole island in its entirety. That is absurdly small compared to this, which is 8,2 times larger.

2. The Actual Population Size Of The United States

In the United States, there are a bit more than 300 million people living there now. Even while it seems like it would make sense to believe that the population of the United States is dispersed equally throughout the nation, this is not the case.

2 The Actual Population Size Of The United States

2 The Actual Population Size Of The United States

If you examine the portions of the map that are colored “red,” you’ll see that most of the country’s population is concentrated along the West and East coastlines. People are not interested in relocating to the interior at this time. If you want to farm in a peaceful environment while still being able to raise cattle and develop crops, the Midwest is an excellent spot to do it. If it is something that you are interested in, then it seems like the Midwest would be the best region for you to be in.

3. Texas Is Equal To The Size Of The African Country

The proverbial adage that “Everything is larger in Texas” is accurate. In Texas, everything from belt buckles to vehicles to steaks is much larger than they are in other parts of the country. When the size of Texas is compared to the size of Africa in terms of the actual land area, there is no dispute about which continent has the larger size.

3 Texas Is Equal To The Size Of The African Country

3 Texas Is Equal To The Size Of The African Country

Texas is almost the same size as a nation in Africa, but the continent of Africa as a whole is just too large for Texas to compete with. Since the continent is 45 times larger than the state of Texas, we may safely say that Africa is larger this state. People tend to believe that Africa is much smaller since most maps do not represent its size.

4. Stargazing: Fabulous Nighttime Activity

One of the most enjoyable activities that can be done when it is evening is to gaze up at the Milky Way and observe the movement of the stars across the sky. When there are many people in an area, such as there is in New York City and Los Angeles, it may not be easy to single out stars.

4 Stargazing Fabulous Nighttime Activity

4 Stargazing Fabulous Nighttime Activity

Those who are interested in astronomy will be pleased to learn that the states located in the center of the United States have the lowest levels of light pollution. If you want to view the night sky in its full glory, North Dakota or Wyoming are great places to visit. If you are standing on the beach, there is a chance that you won’t be able to see the stars because of the light pollution.

5. Buy Land In The Midwest

You will not be able to decipher the meaning of this map unless you understand what the orange and red portions represent.

5 Buy Land In The Midwest

5 Buy Land In The Midwest

The size of the red population tends to be comparable to the size of the orange population the majority of the time. This indicates that there is the same number of people living on the United States’ coastlines as there are living in practically the whole center of the country. It is recommended that you go to the Midwest to purchase property and establish a homestead there. There is a low cost for the land.

6. Unique Set Of Borders

Even though hundreds of airports throughout the continental United States, these airports are not spread over many time zones. They are instead contained inside the same set of limits as one another.

6 Unique Set Of Borders

6 Unique Set Of Borders

They are referred to by the name of the main city they are responsible for instead of being named after the states surrounding them. There are a total of 21 zones, and it is the responsibility of each individual airport to manage the airspace directly above it within the confines of its own zone. You may find about five miles in either direction outside the boundaries of this airspace.

7. Huge Ecosystems And Biomes

The United States of America is fortunate. It has a wide variety of ecosystems and biomes, which support a diverse range of commercial endeavors and applications for the land. There is a distinct region in the nation devoted to various businesses, such as agriculture, military, and forestry, and the list could go on and on and on.

7 Huge Ecosystems And Biomes

7 Huge Ecosystems And Biomes

If you look at this map in great detail, you will be able to locate the precise locations of the flower farms that florists get their flowers from and the regions that are suitable for the production of biodiesel. The majority of the territory in the country’s center is devoted to agricultural purposes, while the regions in and around the country’s coastlines are more industrialized.

8. The Mongolian Empire: Biggest Empire In History

The rise and collapse of empires is a recurring theme throughout human history. The Mongolian Empire was the greatest in the world regarding the land area in 1279. It continues to be the largest empire globally in terms of the land area today.

8 The Mongolian Empire Biggest Empire In History

8 The Mongolian Empire Biggest Empire In History

The Roman and Greek empires were also huge, but they did not encompass a whole continent to the extent that the Mongolian empire did. They were divided up into several smaller areas instead. Genghis Khan was an astute and decisive ruler who was responsible for the majority of this kingdom’s expansion throughout his reign.

9. New Zealand: Sits In The US Borders

At this time, everyone is aware that the United States of America is a massive nation that towers above others that are both smaller and less developed. New Zealand, located in Oceania, has been placed on top of the United States to demonstrate how large it is once again.

9 New Zealand Sits In The US Borders

9 New Zealand Sits In The US Borders

The breathtaking scenery that can be seen in “The Lord of the Rings” was captured on film in New Zealand, which is located inside the United States of America. It is 3,558 times smaller than the United Kingdom, which brings it to a size that is practically identical to it.

10. The Imperial And Metric System

The imperial system and the metric system are the two methods used the majority of the time when measuring anything everywhere in the globe. The metric system, which includes meters, liters, and grams, is used by the majority of the world’s nations. A few less-populous nations and one much larger nation do not use it.

10 The Imperial And Metric System

10 The Imperial And Metric System

The United States of America follows the imperial system of measurement, which includes such units of measure as miles, yards, and gallons. It is essential to keep in mind that the British were the ones who conceived of the imperial system and that this system is still in use today as a direct result of the British using it while they were in control of the colonies. Only Liberia, located in West Africa, and Myanmar, located in Southeast Asia, make use of this term.

11. USA: Home Of One-Tenth Of The Globe’s Forest

The forestry industry is a very profitable one, but as old trees are felled, they must be replaced with new ones to keep the company continuing. Due to the fact that it contains around 10 percent of the world’s forests, the United States is a significant provider of wood to the rest of the globe.

11 USA Home Of One Tenth Of The Globes Forest

11 USA Home Of One Tenth Of The Globes Forest

The forestry business is thriving, and even though extensive logging does contribute to the deforestation of the world’s remaining forests, initiatives to plant additional trees have helped decrease the rate of deforestation. The mayors and councilors of cities are always coming up with new initiatives to plant trees. This ensures that the United States of America will continue to have a green environment.

12. Built Railroads That Lead To Nowhere

Taking a train ride and watching the scenery go by outside the window is one of the most peaceful ways to get around. During the Industrial Revolution, many American businesses started building railways because they thought that they would eventually connect all cities and towns.

12 Built Railroads That Lead To Nowhere

12 Built Railroads That Lead To Nowhere

This dream came to an end in the year 1893. It was a time of economic trouble that became known as “the Panic,” and a lot of businesses and households went out of business during this time. Because of this, there are railroad tracks in some parts of the United States that don’t go anywhere.

13. Bright Pink Flamingos Migration

Flamingos with bright pink feathers can be seen in the wild, but only in a small number of coastal areas around the world. Flamingos don’t like living in cold places, so they move to the warm coasts of the Southern Hemisphere when it gets cold.

13 Bright Pink Flamingos Migration

13 Bright Pink Flamingos Migration

On this map, flamingos are shown in pink, which shows that their favorite places to live are in South America, parts of Africa, and parts of Asia. Think about how far these flamingos have come the next time you see one of them standing on only one leg.

14. The Home Of Famous Celebs

Since California is so big, it is home to a lot of famous people and beautiful beaches. The state is so big that it could even become its own country. There are more than 39 million people living in the state, which is more than the entire population of Canada.

14 The Home Of Famous Celebs

14 The Home Of Famous Celebs

To give you a better idea of how big this is, the land area of California is about 25% bigger than that of Italy. However, Italy has more people living in it than any other country in Europe. More than 60 million people now live there.

15. 157,724 Miles Of Highway

Even though railroads in the United States may be relics of the past, highways are still in use. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the government agency in the United States that is in charge of adding to the already huge number of miles of highways.

15 157724 Miles Of Highway

15 157724 Miles Of Highway

There are 157,724 miles of roads that go all over the continental United States of America as of today. Since these roads connect every state, town, and county, there is a lot of maintenance that needs to be done on them. Surprisingly, maintenance is not done by the federal government. Instead, it is given to the state governments. Because of this, some roads are kept in better condition than others.

16. Australia Vs The United States

Australia is in a unique place in the world because it is both an island and a continent. This island country in the Pacific Ocean is home to the largest coral reef in the world as well as some of the most poisonous plants and spiders in the world. It is about the same size as the United States, so it is on the same level as that country.

16 Australia Vs The United States

16 Australia Vs The United States

This map shows that the U.S. is about 27% bigger than Australia. This can be compared to how big Australia is. Even though the country is smaller, it has a much smaller population that needs to be taken care of. The United States needs every inch of land it can get because the number of people living there is growing quickly.

17. The LA County Huge Population

Some counties in the United States have so many people that it’s hard to move around because there are so many people. The number of people living in the county of Los Angeles, which is in the state of California, is more than the number of people living in most states in the United States.

17 The LA County Huge Population

17 The LA County Huge Population

This small county is home to more than 10 million people, making it the most populated county in the United States. The number of people in the county is about the same as the number of people in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and New York, just to name a few of these states. It must cost a lot of money to find a nice place to live around here.

18. The Comparison Between Cuba And Hudson Bay

Since Cuba opened up to the U.S. recently, many people from the U.S. have started going there for vacations. Cuba is an island country that has been a popular vacation spot for a long time. On a map of the world, Cuba may look like it has a lot of lands, but when you put the island next to Hudson Bay in North America, it looks like it has less land than some of the provinces that surround the bay.

18 The Comparison Between Cuba And Hudson Bay

18 The Comparison Between Cuba And Hudson Bay

Cuba is about one-twelfth the size of Hudson Bay, and if you put it right in the middle of Hudson Bay, it looks like it’s underwater. If Cuba starts to sink like the Maldives, it will become little more than a sand bar, but this is not likely to happen any time soon. Plan your trip and spend some time relaxing on the warm sands.

19. The Size And Population Density

Several states in the United States have low population densities, especially those in the middle of the country and in the Pacific Northwest. It’s not that people don’t want to live here; it’s just that the Pacific region is pretty expensive, and the Midwest doesn’t have nearly as many job opportunities as the cities.

19 The Size And Population Density

19 The Size And Population Density

If the number of people in each state was plotted on a map, the result would be something like this. As you can see, most of the people still live near the beaches and the border with Canada. If you are thinking about moving to a new place to get away from a lot of people, this map will be helpful.

20. China And America’s Ever-Growing Population

China has more people than any other country in the world. The East Asian country has been home to the most people in the world for a long time, and it’s a good thing that it has a big land area to accommodate its growing population. On the other hand, in terms of total land area, the United States is almost as big as it is.

20 China And Americas Ever Growing Population

20 China And Americas Ever Growing Population

When put on top of each other, the United States is slightly bigger than Canada, but not by much. The United States and China are the two countries with the most people. They are about the same size, but the U.S. covers 9,833,517 square kilometers, and China covers 9,596,961 square kilometers. If this were a competition, the United States would win because it has more land.

21. Fancy Coffees And Frothy Designs

There are a lot of small, cozy cafés and bistros in the United States. Each one serves its own carefully made drinks. Some are known for their great cold brews, while others are known for their fancy coffees with foamy decorations on top that baristas make. When it comes to coffee chains, however, there are three brands that stand out from the rest.

21 Fancy Coffees And Frothy Designs

21 Fancy Coffees And Frothy Designs

Many people think that Starbucks, which first opened in Seattle, Washington, is the best place to get coffee, and this is true in most states. Most East Coast states like Dunkin’ Donuts, which makes it a strong contender for second place on that coast. Caribou Coffee in Minnesota deserves extra attention because it is the only popular location in the state.

23. India: Seventh Biggest Country

India is the country with the second most people. Only China has more people. About a billion people live within its borders, and they are spread out all over the country. When you look at a map of the world, India may not look like it has a lot of land, but it is the seventh-largest country in the world.

23 India Seventh Biggest Country

23 India Seventh Biggest Country

When we put a map of India on top of a map of the United States, we are reminded of how big the United States is. Even though India is a big country with a lot of people, it is still much smaller than the United States of America. It is almost half the size of the United States, which is still a pretty big country. Maps of the world need to start giving it more credit and showing how big it really is.

24. Countries With Less Than 100 Million Population

Even if we’ve seen a lot of maps that center on the United States and its enormous population and urban expansion, there are still dozens of other nations deserving of our attention. Our map displays all of the nations on this planet with fewer than one hundred million people living in them. There are many of these countries.

24 Countries With Less Than 100 Million Population

24 Countries With Less Than 100 Million Population

Even though New Zealand, Canada, and Australia each have a significant amount of land, their population densities are far lower than those of other nations. The climate is a contributing factor to this phenomenon. With the severe conditions of the Arctic, people living in Northern Canada have a difficult time earning a livelihood. The same may be said about several regions of Australia, which you can describe as a desert environment. This translates into the reality that areas with more favorable weather tend to have higher populations.

25. The Two Big Countries

Russia is the only nation that immediately jumps out at you when you look at a map of the globe because of its enormous size. Russia has the total land area of any nation in the world, making it the biggest country overall. Meanwhile, there aren’t as many people living in some regions of this nation as in other areas on this list. This is due to the severe winters that are experienced there. Other places on this list include: Put a map of Russia and China on top of each other and compare the sizes of the two nations to get a better picture of how enormous this thing is.

25 The Two Big Countries

25 The Two Big Countries

Although China is not nearly as little as it seems to be compared to Russia when seen on a map, Russia is still a significant amount larger than China. If you compare the sizes of the two nations’ landmasses, you’ll see that Russia’s is an astonishing 44 percent larger than China’s.

26. All About Antarctica

On almost all maps of the globe, Antarctica is shown as a single, expansive continent that stretches from the geographic south pole to the earth’s equator. If you don’t have access to a globe, it might be challenging to appreciate that Antarctica is really a rounder continent rather than one that is elongated and thin.

26 All About Antarctica

26 All About Antarctica

Since the people who reside in Antarctica are scientists, researchers, and support personnel who work on a rotational schedule, the continent of Antarctica does not have a permanent population as the other continents do. If you want to get an idea of how large Antarctica is, you may judge its size by comparing it to the whole of North America. Even though it isn’t as large as Canada, it would be about 40 percent smaller than Canada if it were a nation. This is even though it already isn’t as big as Canada.

27. The Hustle And Bustle In America

Everyone who has ever lived in a city or visited one understands that city life is characterized by continuous motion and activity. This is obvious to everyone who has ever been to a town. There is a possibility that you may hear the honking of automobiles and loud music coming from nightclubs and sirens. The accumulation of all of these diverse noises might lead to a condition known as noise pollution.

27 The Hustle And Bustle In America

27 The Hustle And Bustle In America

The illuminated regions are indicated here on the map. The majority of them are located in major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. The fact that each of these cities is home to a sizable population accounts for the increased decibel level of the ambient noise. If you are concerned about maintaining your privacy, the geographic center of the United States is the best place for you to make your home. It has been suggested to us that Maine is an excellent option.

28. USA Population Spikes

If a nation wishes to expand, it must ensure that all of its regions are experiencing population growth at the same pace before doing so. For instance, since Japan’s population is becoming older and there isn’t a lot of immigration, the total number of people living in Japan is decreasing. For the whole United States, this map displays the locations of all the population surges or rises that are taking place.

28 USA Population Spikes

28 USA Population Spikes

The majority of these increases may be seen in the country’s most populous cities, often hit by waves of immigration. At the international boundary with Canada, there aren’t too many spikes. Why’s that? Simple, there aren’t any major cities in the area immediately next to the border in the center of the United States.

29. Montana And Mongolia Population

Both the state of Montana and the nation of Mongolia have certain similarities, as may be seen in the following examples. These regions have a low population density, a significant amount of undeveloped territory on which cattle may graze, and a robust agricultural sector. The two begin to diverge from one another in various regards, one of which is the quantity of land that each owns.

29 Montana And Mongolia Population

29 Montana And Mongolia Population

Compared to Alaska’s amount of land area, Montana is 4,1 times less extensive. It’s funny that cartographers want to give the impression that Mongolia is a significant nation in Asia, but, in truth, it’s not even close to being that huge.

30. Enjoy The Road Trip To Springfield

One of the most well-liked choices for the name of a town in the United States has traditionally been Springfield. Nobody can explain why this is happening. There are 33 different towns in total, all located in 25 different states, that all go by the name of Springfield. People interested in taking road trips have begun making preparations to figure out how they can visit all 33 in the shortest time possible.

30 Enjoy The Road Trip To Springfield

30 Enjoy The Road Trip To Springfield

You may travel to any one of the numerous Springfields located around the United States if you want to get out of the home and experience something new. In this location, you will find a map that details the route that will take you to the majority of the various Springfields. A couple of other townships in the surrounding region have the same name.

31. The Competition Between Poland And Texas

Poland is a nation located in Eastern Europe famous for its mouthwatering pierogies and stunning architecture that gives tourists the impression that they have been transported back in time. Texas faced up against a nation other than Poland in a separate match, and Poland did not exactly come out on top.

31 The Competition Between Poland And Texas

31 The Competition Between Poland And Texas

The size of Texas surpasses that of the already enormous nation of Poland. Everything in Texas is magnified to a greater degree when it comes to this matter. In spite of this, we cannot definitively state whether or not the cuisine in Texas is superior. There is a possibility that Poland may come out on top in a culinary competition.

32. Random Foreign Countries In The United States Borders

Making your own maps can be a lot of fun, especially if you’re trying to figure out how many different countries you can fit on the continent of the United States. This can be a wildly entertaining challenge. A member on Reddit was curious as to how one might include many different nations from Europe and Asia inside the states that make up the United States’ continental region.

32 Random Foreign Countries In The United States Borders

32 Random Foreign Countries In The United States Borders

As can be seen, the United States of America has a sufficient amount of land and water resources to support the permanent settlement of many nations. Even though the United States of America is a huge nation and certain of its states have a considerable population, a significant portion of the landmass is not yet extremely densely populated.

33. Giving Prominence To North America

Sessions that educate people about geography or the skill of generating maps using software such as Geographic Information Mapping System are popular choices for those who wish to learn more and often enroll in such classes. Maps are not always the proper size, which is obvious to anybody who has invested the effort to understand how to compare sizes.

33 Giving Prominence To North America

33 Giving Prominence To North America

The United States of America is often shown in a prominent position and to size on maps, despite South America and Africa being significantly larger. When studying maps, you should make sure to keep scale in the back of your mind at all times.

34. Cities With 100,000+ People Living In Them

Cities with populations in the millions, such as New York City, Miami, and Seoul, South Korea, are examples of urban regions that have a high population. Other examples of urban places with huge populations include. However, a significant number of other cities do not even come close to having that number of people living in them. By looking at this map, you will have a clearer understanding of what is happening. Cities having a population of at least 100,000 people are represented by a black dot.

34 Cities With 100000 Plus People Living In Them

34 Cities With 100000 Plus People Living In Them

You’ll discover that there are not nearly as many cities as you may think with genuinely enormous populations. This will not escape your attention at all. It’s likely that most people in certain areas don’t reside in cities, which would explain why the statistics are lower in such areas.

35. Asia Having The Most Of Globe’s Population

Everyone knows that China and India are the two countries with the most people on Earth. They are also on the same continent, which means that most of the world’s people live in the Asia-Pacific region.

35 Asia Having The Most Of Globes Population

35 Asia Having The Most Of Globes Population

The majority of the world’s people live inside the circle drawn on this map. More specifically, they live in Asia. If you thought the United States had a lot of people living in a small area, you need to think again. Only 5% of the world’s people belong to this group.

36. Sport That Dominates Aroung The Globe

Throughout history, many different sports have become popular with fans. During the time of the ancient Greeks, running and throwing javelins were two common sports. In the twenty-first century, there is one sport that is still the most popular worldwide.

36 Sport That Dominates Aroung The Globe

36 Sport That Dominates Aroung The Globe

If you said soccer or football as it is called in many other places, you were right. Since soccer is played worldwide, hooligans continue to go to soccer games and watch them on TV whenever they are shown in places where it is played.

37. Climate Change Around The Globe

Climate change is a real thing, and many places worldwide already feel its effects. One of the effects is a rise in wildfires, spreading to places like Canada, the United States, and Australia.

37 Climate Change Around The Globe

37 Climate Change Around The Globe

The Earth Observatory Team at NASA, whose job is to raise people’s awareness, recently put out a map showing all the current fires. This vision of the future from 2020 shows how important it is to stop climate change and do everything we can to slow it down.

38. Drive On The Right Sife Of The Road

Anyone who has been outside of North America and driven in either the United Kingdom or a Commonwealth country is used to driving on the left side of the road. Driving on the left side of the road has been around since the first cars were made.

38 Drive On The Right Sife Of The Road

38 Drive On The Right Sife Of The Road

People in the UK and its former colonies that are now part of the Commonwealth have kept driving on the left side of the road. This is also true of the places that used to be British colonies. Keep an eye on the cars around you, and use this helpful map if you’re not sure which side of the road to drive on.

39. The World’s Population Is Dispersed

In addition to the amount of land, there are a number of other things to think about when trying to figure out how many people an area can house at most. For example, people tend to move to places where the weather isn’t too bad, where they can get clean water and fertile land, and where ports can be used for business.

39 The Worlds Population Is Dispersed

39 The Worlds Population Is Dispersed

When you look at this map, which shows how the world’s people are spread out, it’s easy to see that the factors in question are important. Most of the world’s people live along the coasts of the continents, while there aren’t as many people in places with cold weather. No one likes to be cold.

40. World Map Drawn To Scale

There are a lot of maps that aren’t drawn to scale, so it’s time to look at one that shows how the landmasses of different countries really look. The team working on the Hobo-Dyer Equal Area Projection made this map, which shows how big each continent and country is compared to the others.

40 World Map Drawn To Scale

40 World Map Drawn To Scale

Africa is much bigger than it is often shown, which is important because it quickly becomes an economic powerhouse and its population overgrows. The United States of America is a very important economic power, but it is not the world’s largest country by land area. At first glance, it looks a lot bigger than it really is.

41. Looking At How Big Australia Really Is

Australia, sometimes called “the country down under,” has a total land area of 7.7 million square kilometers. This makes it one of the world’s more prominent countries and continents. If you don’t put it in perspective by comparing it to other countries, it might be hard to understand how big it really is.

41 Looking At How Big Australia Really Is

41 Looking At How Big Australia Really Is

This map shows that Thailand, South Africa, and many other countries can fit inside its borders with little trouble. If we really wanted to add more countries, we could even add a few small ones like Luxembourg without any risk. Australia is the place to go if you’re going to live in a warm country, has a lot of different animals, and doesn’t have too many people.

42. A New Way Of Designing Maps

The Mercator Projection is not a new way to make maps by any stretch of the imagination. In 1569, Gerardus Mercator is thought to have been the first person to offer his way of making maps. Cylindrical projection is making a cylindrical projection by using meridians, lines of latitude and longitude, and the equator as a guide.

42 A New Way Of Designing Maps

42 A New Way Of Designing Maps

This type of cartography is still used today, especially for making charts for navigation. Using this method to make maps is that it doesn’t always give the correct answers. Since the lines that show where the continents are on a flat map may not always indicate exactly where they should be.

43. Japan’s Actual Population

The majority of the countries in East Asia are in China, Japan, and South Korea. People often think of Japan as a small country made up of islands off the east coast of Asia. However, this is not entirely true. Japan looks smaller on maps than it really is because of Mercator’s Projection, but maybe this helps put things in perspective.

43 Japans Actual Population

43 Japans Actual Population

Japan is quite a bit bigger than the east coast of the United States, even though it may not look like it. Also, more than 126 million people are living there at the moment. Even though Japan is much smaller than the United States, it has about a third of the population.

44. Canadians Among The US Coast

Many hostile generalizations are made about the country of Canada. The average Canadian does not live in an igloo, ride to school on the back of a moose, or put maple syrup on everything they eat. Still, most Canadians live near the border with the United States or along the coast.

44 Canadians Among The US Coast

44 Canadians Among The US Coast

The majority of the people who live in Canada live inside this red line. It is widespread on the east coast of Canada, in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. This is partly because Ontario and Quebec are both home to Toronto and Montreal, two of the most populated cities in Canada. Because 20 million people live in one area, most of the rest of Canada hasn’t been built up yet.

45. Immigrants Roaming Around The Landscape

Even though some people don’t want to live in Northern Canada, a lot of animals are still free to move around the area. Herds of caribou in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon move along routes set up for them. This is also true for many other species, such as beluga whales, Canadian geese, and huge marine mammals like belugas and humpbacks.

45 Immigrants Roaming Around The Landscape

45 Immigrants Roaming Around The Landscape

Every species that moves from one place to another has its path, and most of the time, this path goes from north to south. This lets them find places with warmer temperatures when it’s cold outside. This map is mostly about animals that move from one place to another. However, it is well known that some insects, like monarch butterflies, also follow well-known paths.

46. Looking At Countries Sharing Borders

When you look at a map, you can see which countries share borders right away. But The Topologist’s Map of the World shows things from a slightly different point of view. The Topologist’s Map is a different way to look at the world than a normal map because it sorts countries by whether or not their borders touch other countries on the same continent.

46 Looking At Countries Sharing Borders

46 Looking At Countries Sharing Borders

A line splits each continent, and the little curved rectangles around the continents show the islands that are not right next to the continents but are in the same general area. This map is pretty easy to understand in terms of how it is put together. However, one of its flaws is that landmasses are not shown at the correct size. This is just a different way of looking at how things work.

47. America Having 250,000 Rivers

Countries with a lot of water resources can irrigate agricultural land, give their people clean water, and even sell water as a commodity. The United States of America is lucky to have a lot of rivers. It has over 3.5 million miles of land crossed by 250,000 rivers.

47 America Having 250 000 Rivers

47 America Having 250 000 Rivers

No matter which way you look, it looks like a river or stream is running through the area. Because there are so many rivers in the continental United States, it shouldn’t be too surprising that one of them is longer than 2,540 miles. The Missouri River won the contest to find out which river in the United States of America goes the farthest.

48. The Longest River

Even though it is the longest river in the country, the Missouri River does not carry the most water. This is unique to the Mississippi River. The claim should belong to the Mississippi River. In the red area of this map, you can see all of the rivers that flow into the Mississippi and help it move.

48 The Longest River

48 The Longest River

People think that about 7,000 rivers that flow through the United States end up in the Mississippi River. These rivers come together to make the Mississippi into the fast-moving river we all know and love. You are going to find out that the Mississippi River flows directly into the Gulf of Mexico and empties into the ocean.

49. Mother Earth Supporting 1 Billion Population

It is hard to believe that most of the world’s people live in just three places: Asia, Africa, and South America. On our planet, there are almost seven billion people. Take a look at this map, which has been colored to show you more. Each color indicates a different way that the world’s people can come together to make a place with 1 billion people. For example, if you wanted a population of one billion, you would have to include Australia and both North and South America.

49 Mother Earth Supporting 1 Billion Population

49 Mother Earth Supporting 1 Billion Population

India and China both have one billion people, while the rest of Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania are home to the rest of the world’s people. Mother Earth has a lot to take care of with that many people.

50. Time To Go Off Planet

We need to get off this rock and take a look at what’s going on on the moon. Space exploration is still in its early stages, but we are getting closer and closer to being able to look at other planets and learn more about what the universe has to offer. Just how big is the moon? Every person on our planet can see it, but how big is it?

50 Time To Go Off Planet

50 Time To Go Off Planet

When you put the United States of America on top of the moon’s surface and look at it from above, you can see that it takes up almost the whole surface. If Asia had been put on the moon, it would have taken up nearly all of the land area on the moon. From this point of view, the moon doesn’t seem to be very important.We all know that China and India are the two countries with the most people on Earth. They are also on the same continent, which means that most of the world’s people live in the Asia-Pacific region.