5 Must Know Plant Facts

Published on 05/19/2022

Anyone who buys a plant should think about what the plant actually needs after the purchase at the latest (it would be best before the purchase, of course). Does she like it sunny or rather shady, does she need a lot of water or does she like dryness, can she stand in normal garden soil or does she need special soil – and what about the fertilizer? There is a lot to consider both before and after planting. The ten most important points to consider when gardening can be found in this article – let’s start with the watering.

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5 Must Know Plant Facts

Plants Need Water

The freshly bought plant should be watered before planting and watered well after planting. Because water is essential for plants. Limp hanging leaves, wilted flowers and dry soil are signs that the plant urgently needs to be watered again. The amount of watering depends on various factors such as the individual needs of the plant, the location of the plant, the soil or the humidity. Some plants, such as cucumbers, sun lilies or petunias, need more water than plants that cope well with drought, such as Mediterranean herbs, begonias, alkalis, geraniums or sedum. In addition, plants that are in sunny locations need to be watered more often than shade plants. The weather also plays a role: if it has just rained, the garden does not need to be watered additionally. If the plant is in a bucket on a covered south-facing balcony, it needs to be watered more often than if the plant is well-rooted and growing in the garden. Thus, the amount of water can vary significantly between the different plants. A blanket statement can therefore not be made.

The Right Soil

Most plants like Humus-rich and well-drained soil and can therefore be planted in normal garden soil or high-quality potting soil. The potting soil should therefore be of high quality, as it usually contains more nutrients that the plant needs to grow. In order to loosen up the soil a bit, it is advisable to add some sand. Especially moisture-loving plants like the wasabi enjoy a well-drained soil. For vegetable plants or fruit plants, there is usually also special substrate that you can buy. But garden soil or high-quality plants can also be used very well. There are also plants that do not get along well with normal soil. These include, for example, ericaceous plants such as azaleas, rhododendrons or blueberries. These plants require acidic soil and should therefore not be planted in normal potting or garden soil.

Test Your Fingers

The easiest way to get a feel for it is to do a finger test before watering: if the soil is dry, the plant needs water. If the soil is still moist a finger’s length below the surface, it doesn’t need water. The soil should also be allowed to dry between the watering units. In summer, on hot days, you can take a daily tour to see whether a plant is already letting its flowers and leaves droop.

On Down Gate

It is important not to water the plants from above, but rather to water the roots directly. Moist leaves in particular serve as an invitation for fungal spores to settle. In order not to provide the mushrooms with a damp environment, the opening of the watering can should be aimed directly at the soil around the plant.

The Perfect Timing

The best time to water is in the morning when it’s not too warm. The plant then has enough time to absorb the water through its roots and is ready for the day. On hot days, you can also water the plant again in the early evening.