Condo Gardening: How To Grow Your Own Food Garden

Published on 05/16/2022

You opened your eyes in the morning and the first thing that comes to your mind is coffee. You’re waking up to a peaceful morning. You get up, fix your bed, get some coffee and walk to your balcony to water your beloved plants. On a good day like this, when your schedule allows it, you even try to talk to them because science says it helps. This scenario sounds like a dream, right? Everyone who loves nature mostly loves the idea of having their own garden. The problem with modern living situations today is that we don’t have anywhere to plant them! If you’re living in a condo, you would understand this dilemma. You want to have a home garden where you can harvest your own fruits, herbs, and veggies but don’t have a backyard because you live in a condo. We’re here to tell you that it can be fixed! Yes, it is possible to have your own home garden even if you’re living in a condo! Aside from the calming impact of having your own mini-paradise to go into every morning or anytime you’re worried, producing your own edible garden ensures that the food you consume is free of chemicals or virus exposure – a perk that is especially beneficial during the COVID-19 epidemic. Here are a few pointers to get you started.

Condo Gardening: How To Grow Your Own Food Garden

Condo Gardening: How To Grow Your Own Food Garden

All You Need Is Sunlight

It goes without saying that plants require adequate sunshine to develop. You may not have a backyard to expose your plants to direct sunshine, but the big balcony in your flat is just as suitable for growing your garden. Vertical gardening may also be used to decorate the walls. Even big windows can be useful if it’s facing the sun strategically!

Pick The Right Containers

Before you begin your garden, conduct an extensive study on the plants you intend to cultivate, particularly on the types and sizes of containers they require to thrive. Because you’re growing veggies and herbs, your pots must be large enough to support the plants’ roots while still holding the soil and water they require. While most plants only require six inches of soil, others may demand larger or deeper pots. Choose plants that will do well with condo living. There are actually a lot of plants that you can grow in your condo!


Herbs are the simplest plants to cultivate in a condo. They require little maintenance and may even be placed outside your window if you don’t have a balcony or want to conserve space for larger plants. Herbs are simple to cultivate and excellent to eat. Starting a herb garden is an excellent method for new gardeners to get started growing their own products. Here are my recommendations for the finest herbs for beginners.


Microgreens are one of the easiest crops to grow on your balcony or even indoors. They’re also high in nutrients and may be utilized in a number of nutritious meals. The term “micro” tells it all. Microgreens are immature vegetable and plant seedlings. Microgreens, unlike bigger herbs and vegetables, may be picked and consumed a week to ten days after the cotyledon — a portion of the embryo within the seed — leaves have formed.


It is recommended to plant tomatoes in bigger pots that can contain their roots. The recommended diameter for containers is 18 inches. You may also plant them in smaller pots, although this requires more frequent watering. Tomato plants, fortunately, are simple to grow and quite fruitful. Tomatoes are long-season, heat-loving plants that will not survive cold, so sow them as transplants (young plants) once the weather has warmed up in the spring.