It can often feel as if you could spend the rest of your life cleaning and organizing your home and never finish everything on your to-do list. However, just because you’re limited on time doesn’t mean you have to abandon those initiatives that you really want to finish. Whether you’re seeking to get your house spotless in a fast or simply want to add some aesthetic appeal to your area, there’s a simple method to do all of those duties while saving time.

Here Are Some Easy DIY Home Hacks That Will Improve Your Life
Unclog A Stuck Drain With Coffee
Whether your kitchen sink is overflowing or your tub won’t drain after yet another at-home haircut, there’s an easy fix that doesn’t require a trip to the store.
“To unclog drains, mix coffee grounds with dish soap and hot water,” says Alex Azoury, creator and CEO of Home Grounds. Azoury suggests combining the grinds with soap and pouring the mixture down your drain, followed by a long pour of boiling water, which will break up whatever is obstructing your pipes.
Coffee Grounds As A Degreaser.
“Rub some coffee grounds into the oil or soap to gently rub away any residue,” Azoury suggests. After that, rinse the mixture with warm water and voilà! A spotless bathtub.
Use Essential Oils To Polish Furniture
Lemon essential oil can be used to swiftly polish dark wood and remove stains and spots.” Tea tree oil, according to Wilson, is another effective furniture polish that also serves as a mosquito repellent. She does warn, however, against employing this food preparation surface method because many essential oils are not healthy to consume.
Remove Small Scratches On Furniture With Toothpaste
From time to time, minor scratches appear in the coatings of our furniture. However, before you spend hundreds of dollars having your couch refinished, try removing the markings with toothpaste. Rub the scrape in a circular motion with a pea-sized amount of non-gel paste until it buffs out, then clear the rest with a damp towel.
Remove Candle Wax From Furniture With Ice Cubes
If you accidentally spill candle wax on a piece of furniture, don’t try to scrape it off since you can harm the finish. Fill a plastic bag halfway with ice cubes, place it over the wax, and leave it to sit for a few minutes. You may easily pick up the wax once it has cooled and solidified without damaging the finish or fabric of your furniture.
Remove Candle Wax From Furniture With Ice Cubes
If you accidentally spill candle wax on a piece of furniture, don’t try to scrape it off since you can harm the finish. Fill a plastic bag halfway with ice cubes, place it over the wax, and leave it to sit for a few minutes. You may easily pick up the wax once it has cooled and solidified without damaging the finish or fabric of your furniture.
Remove Candle Wax From The Carpet With A Steam Iron
Have you ever spilled hot wax on your shaggy carpet? No worries! Simply place a paper bag over the wax and lightly steam iron the area. The steam will assist in lifting the wax from the carpet and causing it to adhere to the bag instead.
Use A Hairdryer To Get Crayon Marks Off The Walls
If your children enjoy using your white walls as their own personal crayon canvas, don’t despair. Simply use a hairdryer to melt the crayon’s wax on the troublesome area of the wall, then wipe any marks away using a soft cloth.
Use Cooking Oil To Get Rid Of Sticky Label Residue
Anyone who has ever taken a label off a jar knows how aggravating it can be when the sticky place stays. Thankfully, cooking oil makes getting rid of that residue a breeze. Rub the sticky area with a cotton pad and some cooking oil, then let it sit for a few minutes. The oil will readily wipe away once it has soaked in.
Use Towel-Wrapped Tongs To Clean Your Blinds
Having trouble cleaning the dust from your blinds? It only takes a few products you already have in your home to clean them thoroughly. Wrap dish cloths over both sides of a pair of tongs and attach with rubber bands, and you’ve got yourself a homemade duster.