Feng Shui – You Should follow These 6 Tips For A Harmonious Home

Published on 05/18/2022

When it comes to furnishing the apartment harmoniously and tidily, you hear about Feng Shui again and again. The Chinese teachings from the Far East are widespread and popular with everyone who wants more harmony and balance within their own four walls. Here you can find out what this is all about, how you can set up your apartment according to the Feng Shui concept and what Feng Shui experts avoid in your own four walls.

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Feng Shui – You Should follow These 6 Tips For A Harmonious Home

This Is To Be Considered With The Furniture

Generally speaking, according to Feng Shui, organic furniture is better. So a round dining table is preferable to a square one. But the position of the furniture also makes a difference. Furniture should not block passages. A desk is perfect if you don’t have a door behind you and you don’t look directly out of the window – this also applies to sofas and dining areas. If possible, there should be as few electronic devices in the bedroom as possible. The headboard should be against the wall and the bed should not be between a door and the window. A desk in the bedroom is suboptimal. If you can’t avoid it, try to separate him physically so that you don’t have to look at work immediately when you wake up.


Plants increase chi and you should not do without them in your home. They do particularly well in bare corners. Plants on the windowsill prevent the chi from being lost through the windows. But it is very important that the plants are healthy and cared for, since dead things are Chi’s archenemy.

The Elements Of Light And Water

A room only appears harmonious with different light sources. You can positively influence dark corners in your home with light and decorative elements such as glasses, mirrors or shiny surfaces. It’s better not to hang mirrors in the bedroom though. They are better off in the living room or dining room. Candlesticks, lanterns or small lamps serve as light sources. You can bring the element of water into your home with an indoor fountain or a bowl of fresh water and flowers. An aquarium or pictures of rivers can represent the element just as well.

Cleaning Up And Sorting

A tidy home is one of the most important rules of Chinese teaching. Clearing out, arranging things and getting rid of things that are no longer needed in the room is considered liberating, creates more positive energy and helps to find oneself again.

Decorate In Round And Curved Shapes

Decorating is allowed according to the Chinese Feng Shui teachings and can even have a positive effect. However, when setting up, you should not only make sure that the accessories fit the room well, but also that they fulfill their desired purpose. So that the Chi can flow harmoniously through the apartment, you should choose your accessories with care and instead of angular or angular decorative items, you should mainly use round, curved shapes.

Place Mirrors Correctly

Mirrors are a chapter of their own in Feng Shui. Because they only have a positive effect if they are attached in the right place. A mirror in a room such as the dining room or living room, where you like to spend time with friends or family, should definitely create a harmonious mood and energy. However, we do not recommend a mirror in the entrance area or in the bedroom. They reflect the Chi, which could make guests feel thrown out when entering the entrance of the apartment or house, in the bedroom the energy already used would be thrown back, which could disturb restful sleep.