5. Buy Land In The Midwest
You will not be able to decipher the meaning of this map unless you understand what the orange and red portions represent.
The size of the red population tends to be comparable to the size of the orange population the majority of the time. This indicates that there is the same number of people living on the United States’ coastlines as there are living in practically the whole center of the country. It is recommended that you go to the Midwest to purchase property and establish a homestead there. There is a low cost for the land.
6. Unique Set Of Borders
Even though hundreds of airports throughout the continental United States, these airports are not spread over many time zones. They are instead contained inside the same set of limits as one another.
They are referred to by the name of the main city they are responsible for instead of being named after the states surrounding them. There are a total of 21 zones, and it is the responsibility of each individual airport to manage the airspace directly above it within the confines of its own zone. You may find about five miles in either direction outside the boundaries of this airspace.